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C, C++ & Data Structures
Course Highlights
- Introduction to Programming
- Type of Softwares
- Operating Systems
- Fundamentals in C
- Control statements
- Dynamic memory allocation
- Object Oriented Programming
- Manipluators
- Constructors
- File System
- Operator Overloading
C, C++ & Data Structures
1) Introduction to Programming
- Program and Programming
- Programming Languages
- Types of software’s
- Operating Systems
- Dos commands
- Basic Linux commands and vi editor
- Compiler, Interpreter, Loader and Linker
- Keywords
- Variables
- Data Types
- Declaration of Variable
- Assigning Values to Variables
- Initialization
- Comments
- Const Qualifier
- Basic Structure of a ‘C’ program
- Programming Examples
2) Fundamentals in C
- History of ‘C’
- A Simple C Program
- Program execution phases
- Backslash character constants
- Character set
- Constants
- Number systems
- Format specifiers
- Identifiers
- The assignment operators
- The conditional operator
- The size of operator
- The comma operator
- Type casting operator
- Other operators
- Precedence and order of evaluation
- Programming Examples
- FAQ’s
3) Operators & Expressions
- Dealing with all 45 operators
- Arithmetic operators
- Increment and decrement operators
- Relational operators
- Logical operators
- The bitwise operators
4) Data Types
- Modifiers
- Format specifiers
- Dealing with each data types
- Memory representation of each type
- Programming Examples
5) Input-Output Library Functions
- Unformatted I-O Functions
- Single Character Input-Output
- String Input-Output
- Formatted I-O Functions
- printf() Width Specifier
- scanf() Width Specifier
- Programming Examples
6) Control Statements
- Conditional Control Statementsif
- if-else
- nested if-else
- else-if ladder
- Multiple Branching Control Statement
- switch-case
- Loop Control Statements
- while
- do-while
- for
- Nested Loops
- Jump Control statements
- break
- continue
- goto
- exit
- return
- FAQ’s
7) Function
- What is function?
- Why function?
- Advantages of using functions
- Function Prototype
- Defining a function
- Calling a function
- Return statement
- Types of functions
- Recursion
- Nested functions
- main() function
- Library Function
- Local and global variables
- Programming Examples
- FAQ’s
8) Storage Class
- Types of storage class
- Scoping rules
- Dealing with all storage classes
- Programming Examples
- FAQ’s
9) Pointer
- Def of Pointer
- Declaration of Pointer Variables
- Assigning Address to Pointer
10) Variables
- De-referencing Pointer Variables
- Pointer to Pointer
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Pointer comparisons
- De-reference and increment pointer
- pointer to const data
- const pointer
- const pointer to const data
- Void pointer or Generic Pointer
- Null pointer
- wild pointer
- Programming Examples
- FAQ’svironment
11) Pointer & Function
- Parameter Passing Techniques – call by value, call by address
- Using Pointers as Arguments
- Function Returning value
- Returning More than one value From A
- Functions Returning Address
- Function Returning Pointers
- Dangling pointer
- Pointer to a Function
- Calling A function through function pointer
- passing A function’s address as an Argument to other function
- Functions with variable number of arguments
- Programming Examples
- FAQ’s
12) Array
- One dimensional arrays
- Declaration of 1D arrays
- Initialization of 1D arrays
- Accessing element of 1D arrays
- Reading and displaying elements
- Two dimensional arrays
- Declaration of 2D arrays
- Initialization of 2D arrays
- Accessing element of 2D arrays
- Reading and displaying elements
- Programming Examples
13) Pointer & Array
- Pointer and one dimensional arrays
- Subscripting pointer variables
- Pointer to an array
- Array of pointers
- Pointers and two dimensional arrays
- Subscripting pointer To an array
- Programming Examples
- FAQ’s
14) Array & Function
- 1D array and function
- Passing individual array elements to a function
- passing individual array elements address to a function
- passing whole 1d array to a function
- 2D array and function
- Passing individual array elements to a function
- passing individual array elements address to a function
- passing whole 2d array to a function
- using arrays of function pointer
- Programming Examples
- FAQ’s
15) Dynamic Memory Allocation
- malloc()
- calloc()
- realloc()
- free()
- Core dump
- Memory leak
- Dynamic 1D and 2D Arrays
- Programming Examples
- FAQ’s
16) Strings
- Strings versus character arrays
- Initializing strings
- Reading string
- Displaying string
- The %s format specifier
- The gets() and puts() functions
- string handling functions
- string pointers
- Two-dimensional character arrays or array of string
- array of pointers to strings
- Programming Examples
- FAQ’s
17) Object Oriented Programming C++
- Principle of Object Oriented Programming
- Software evaluation
- Oop paradigm
- .Basic concept of Oop
- .Benefits of Oop
- .Application of Oop
18) Functions
- Introduction to C++
- Tokens
- Keywords
- Identifiers
- .Constants
- Operators
- Manipulators
- Expressions and control structure
- Pointers
- Functions
- Function prototyping
- Parameters passing in functions
- Values Return by functions
- Inline functions – friend and virtual functions
19) Classes
- Classes, objects, constructors and destructors
- Operator overloading
- Type conversions
- Type of constructors
- Function over loading
20) Inheritance
- Inheritance
- Type of inheritance
- Function
- Polymorphism
- Constructors in heritance
- Mapping console IO operations
21) Files
- Files – File stream – File operators
- File pointer
- Error handling during file operations
- Command line arguments
22) Introduction to Data Structure
23) Algorithms
24) Performance Analysis
- Time complexity
- Space complexity
25) Asymptotic Notations
- Big O
- Omega
- Theta notations
26) Arrays
27) Structure
28) Pointers
29) Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Malloc()
- calloc()
- realloc()
- free()
30) Stacks
- Stack Operations
- push()
- pop()
- peex()
- distzay()
- isEmpty()
- isFull()
- Stack implementation using arrays Applications
- Decimal to Binary
- String reverse
- Number reverse
- Recursion – Towers of Hanoi
- Balanced Parentheses
- Expressions
31) Expressions
- Introduction to Notations
- Importance of Notations in expression evaluation
- Conversion Algorithms
- Infix to prefix
- Infix to postfix
- Prefix to infix
- Prefix to postfix
- Postfix to infix
- Postfix to prefix
- Implementation of all the conversions
32) Queues
- Operations on Queue – enqueue(), dequeue()
- Queue implementation using static arrays
- Applications
- Queues Implementations using pointer (dynamic)
33) Single Linked List
- Introduction
- Construction
- Length
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Sort
- Reverse list
- Swap node data
- Swap nodes
- Applications
34) Stack & Queue implementation using linked list
35) Binary & Binary Search Tree
- Terminology
- Differences between Tree and Binary Tree
- Binary Tree Representations
- Expression Trees
- Traversals
- In-order
- pre-order
- post-order
- Introduction to BST
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Search
- Implementation
36) AVL, Red Black , B Tree, Hashing
- Introduction
- BST v/s AVL
- Rotations
- L-L-Rotation
- R-R-Rotation
- L-R-Rotation
- R-L-Rotation
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Traversal
Red Black Trees
- Introduction
- BST v/s AVL v/s RBT
- Rotations
- L-L-Rotation
- R-R-Rotation
- L-R-Rotation
- R-L-Rotation
- Insertion
- Deletion
B trees
- M-way Search Tree
- Search
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Hash Table representation
- Hash function-Division Method
- Collision
- Collision Resolution Techniques
- Separate Chaining
- open addressing
- linear probing
- quadratic probing
- double hashing
- Rehashing
37) Priority Queue-Definition,Heap,Pattern matching algorithms,Tries
- Operations-Insertion, Deletion,
- Definition
- Max Heap
- Min Heap
- Insertion and deletion
Pattern matching algorithms
- Brute force
- Boyer –Moore algorithm
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
- Standard Tries
- Compressed Tries
- Suffix tries