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Advanced Java & Data Structure
Course Highlights
- Introduction to Java
- Swing GUI
- Servlets and JSPs
- Debugging
- Web Applications
- HTTP Protocal
- Web Container
- Input-Output in Java
- Ports
- Servlets
- Session Management
Advanced Java & Data Structure Course Details
1) Swing GUI
- Introduction to AWT
- Introduction to Swing GUI
- Advantages of Swing over AWT
- Swing API
- Swing GUI Components
- Event Handlers for Swing
- Sample Calculator application using Swing GUI and Swing Event handling
- What is JDBC
- JDBC features
- JDBC Drivers
- Setting up a database annd cretaing a schema
- Writing JDBC code to connect to DB
- CRUD Operations with JDBC
- Statement types in JDBC
- Types of Rowset, ResultSet in JDBC
3) Basics of a Web application
- SWhat is a web application?
- What is a web client and web server?
- How do client and server communicate?
- HTTP protocol basics
- HTML language basics
- What is a TCP/IP port, URL?
- Need for a Web Container
4) Web Container and Web Application Project Set up
- To set up Tomcat Container on a machine
- To set up a Servlets JSP project in Eclipse
- To configure dependency of Servlet JSP APIs
- Web application project struture
5) Servlets
- What are Servlets?
- What can they do? Why are they needed?
- How do Servlets look in code?
- GET/POST request; differences between the two
- Servlet Lifecycle
- Servlet Context and Servlet Config
- Forwarding and Redirection of requests
6) Session Management
- What is a session?
- Why is it required?
- How to get a session?
- Session information passing between client and server
- Sesssion information passing mechanisms – Cookies, Rewriting
- How to destroy a session
7) JSP
- Introduction to JSP and need for JSPs
- Basic HTML tags
- JSP Lifecycle
8) JSP Elements
- Scriptlets
- Expressions
- Declarations
- Significance of above elements and fitment into the JSP Lifecycle
- What are Directives in JSP?
- Page Directive
- Include Driective
- Taglib Directive
9) JSP Tag Library
- JSP Standard Actions
- Expression Language
- JSTL basics and it’s usage
- Need for Custom Tag Library
- Custom Tag Library implementation
10) Strings in Java
- What are Strings?
- String heap memory and Constant Pool memory
- Immutability in Strings
- String creation on heap and constant pool
- Method APIs on String; operations on Strings
- Mutability of String Objects – StringBuilder and StringBuffer
- Splitting of Strings and StringTokenizer class
11) Collection Framework in Java
- The Collections Framework
- The Set Interface
- Set Implementation Classes
- The List Interface
- List Implementation Classes
- The Map Interface
- Map Implementation Classes
- Queue Interface
- Queue Implmentation classes
- Utility classes
- Sorting collections using utility methods
- equals() and hashCode contract in Java collections
- overriding equals and hashCode methods in Java
- New Collections added in Java 1.6
- Primitive wrapper classes and all its method APIs
12) Generics
- Generics for Collections
- Generics for class
- Generics for methods
13) Input-Output in Java
- What is a stream?
- Overview of Streams
- Bytes vs. Characters
- Overview of the entire Java IO API
- Reading a file; writing to a file usinf various APIs
- Reading User input from console
- PrintWriter Class
14) Threads in Java
- Non-Threaded Applications
- Threaded Applications
- Process based multitasking Vs Thread based multitasking
- Thread API in Java
- Creating Threads
- States of a Thread
- Sychronization for threads; static and non-static synchronized methods; blocks; concept of object and class locks
- Coordination between threads – wait, notify and notifyAll methods for inter-thread communication
15) Introduction to Data Structure
16) Algorithms
17) Performance Analysis
- Time complexity
- Space complexity
18) Asymptotic Notations
- Big O
- Omega
- Theta notations
19) Arrays
20) Structure
21) Pointers
22) Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Malloc()
- calloc()
- realloc()
- free()
23) Stacks
- Stack Operations
- push()
- pop()
- peex()
- distzay()
- isEmpty()
- isFull()\
- Stack implementation using arrays Applications
- Decimal to Binary
- String reverse
- Number reverse
- Recursion – Towers of Hanoi
- Balanced Parentheses
- Expressions
24) Expression
- Introduction to Notations
- Importance of Notations in expression evaluation
- Conversion Algorithms
- Infix to prefix
- Infix to postfix
- Prefix to infix
- Prefix to postfix
- Postfix to infix
- Postfix to prefix
- Implementation of all the conversions
25) Queues
- Operations on Queue – enqueue(), dequeue()
- Queue implementation using static arrays
- Applications
- Queues Implementations using pointer (dynamic)
26) Single Linked List
- Introduction
- Construction
- Length
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Sort
- Reverse list
- Swap node data
- Swap nodes
- Applications
27) Stack & Queue implementation using linked list
28) Binary & Binary Search Tree
- Terminology
- Differences between Tree and Binary Tree
- Binary Tree Representations
- Expression Trees
- Traversals
- In-order
- pre-order
- post-order
- Introduction to BST
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Search
- Implementation
29) AVL, Red Black , B Tree, Hashing
- Introduction
- BST v/s AVL
- Rotations
- L-L-Rotation
- R-R-Rotation
- L-R-Rotation
- R-L-Rotation
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Traversal
Red Black Trees
- Introduction
- BST v/s AVL v/s RBT
- Rotations
- L-L-Rotation
- R-R-Rotation
- L-R-Rotation
- R-L-Rotation
- Insertion
- Deletion
B trees
- M-way Search Tree
- Search
- Insertion
- Deletion
- Hash Table representation
- Hash function-Division Method
- Collision
- Collision Resolution Techniques
- Separate Chaining
- open addressing
- linear probing
- quadratic probing
- double hashing
- Rehashing
30) Priority Queue-Definition,Heap,Pattern matching algorithms,Tries
- Operations-Insertion, Deletion,
- Definition
- Max Heap
- Min Heap
- Insertion and deletion
Pattern matching algorithms
- Brute force
- Boyer –Moore algorithm
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
- Standard Tries
- Compressed Tries
- Suffix tries